
Local Florists

On our Shoulders...


Local Florists

For your convenience, we have assembled a list of florists that serve our local area



Petals and Blooms
9 Bank Street
St. Albans, Vermont 05478
Phone: (802) 524-5703

 Howards The Flower Shop
100 Church Road
St. Albans, Vermont 05478
Phone: (802) 524-5715


Flowers By Debbie
63 Grand Avenue
Swanton, Vermont 05488
Phone: (802) 868-7226




Sympathy Expressions

Petals and Blooms

We are located in historic downtown Saint Albans, Vermont. Sarah Minor was born and raised right here in town. She purchased the shop 8 years ago and the shop has been serving the area for over 25 years with a lovely variety of fresh flowers and unique gift idea.  Sympathy and funeral flowers from the heart ~ You can always depend on our courteous staff to help you after a friend or loved one passes. We will design and deliver a funeral arrangement that beautifully conveys your expression of sympathy and serves as a lovely memorial to the deceased.


Howards the Flower Shop

Howards the Flower Shop was established in 1956 by Beulah Howard and is one of the oldest original small businesses in downtown St. Albans. As the fourth owner of Howards, Vickie Isham Preseau continues with the creative history of the business. Over 15 years experience with event planning, she takes your thoughts and ideas and creates a tribute to remember. Custom designs and quality products are two of the many important aspects in maintaining this well known business. Professionalism, experience, continued education and dedication are just some of the qualities available to our customers. "The most important aspect of my business is Customer Service. Every effort is made to carry out our customer requests."


 Brady & Levesque Funeral Home

 On our Shoulders...

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